Budget Committee

The Budget Committee monitors the process by which allocations are made to budgetary units and reports to the Academic Senate periodically on any significant changes in such allocations and on the criteria for such changes. It keeps itself informed as to the financial operations of the university. The Budget Committee provides advice to the university administration on budgetary matters on request or at its own initiative and it maintains primary liaison with the senior executive officer for budgetary matters.

At least four members of the Budget Committee are members of the Academic Senate but are not members of the Policy Committee. The Policy Committee is represented on this committee by at least two members; additional member(s) may be either from the Policy Committee or not, but must be in the Senate. The Policy Committee may appoint an additional member from outside the Senate membership. Such person, though not presently serving, should be eligible to serve on the Academic Senate. Such appointee cannot serve as chairperson, but is a member with voice and vote until a new committee is appointed in the subsequent academic year.

The Budget Committee is the busiest of the Senate committees. It meets almost every month of the year. This Committee meets prior to each Board of Governors meeting to discuss budget issues on the agenda. The committee also comments annually on the new University budget and Program Revision Requests to the State.

The committee also conducts an annual survey of unit heads to determine pressing budgetary needs. For several years the survey showed that new faculty lines, more support personnel and graduate assistants, and flexible budgeting practices were most needed.



Damecia Donahue: ea2835@wayne.edu, 7-0400


Linda Beale: lbeale@wayne.edu, 313-577-3941

Stephen Calkins: calkins@wayne.edu, 313-577-9312

Wei Chen: chenw@karmanos.org, 313-576-8655

Paul Dubinsky: pauldubinsky@wayne.edu, 917-754-0620

David Edelman: dedelman@wayne.edu, 745-8775

Brian Edwards: aa0036@wayne.edu, 7-5107

Lara Jones: eg3564@wayne.edu, 248-515-0713

Wassim Tarraf: wassim.tarraf@wayne.edu, 313-875-4312

Hossein Yarandi: yarandi@wayne.edu, 577-9366

Non-Senate Members: TBD


Linda Beale, Policy Committee: lbeale@wayne.edu, 313-577-3941

Kristen Chinery, WAU: kristen.chinery@wayne.edu, 313-577-8377

Bethany Gielczyk, Administration: hn9468@wayne.edu, 313-577-5426

Rob Davenport, Administration: hd5623@wayne.edu, 313-577-4302

Miriam Moussa, Student Senate: miriamm@wayne.edu

Sung Gon Chung, Graduate Council: fq8651@wayne.edu

Karin Tarpenning, UPTF: ay5907@wayne.edu, 313-577-3002







Academic Senate