Policy Committee

The Policy Committee is the Senate's steering committee. The Committee is a wholly elected body, made up of the Academic Senate President, who organizes Policy Committee activities, and seven other members elected by the Senate at its first meeting in the fall. The University Provost is an ex-officio member and chairs the Policy Committee.




Laurie Lauzon Clabo, Provost: laurie.lauzon.clabo@wayne.edu, 313-577-4073

Senate President:

Linda Beale: lbeale@wayne.edu, 313-577-3941


Stephen Chrisomalis: chrisomalis@wayne.edu, 313-577-9922

Damecia Donahue: ea2835@wayne.edu, 888-497-8754 ext. 723

renée hoogland: reneehoogland@wayne.edu, 248-835-9521

Pramod Khosla: pramod.khosla@wayne.edu, 313-577-0448

Jennifer Lewis: jmlewis@wayne.edu, 313-577-1765

Robert Reynolds: aa0057@wayne.edu, 313-577-0726

Noreen Rossi: nrossi@wayne.edu, 313-745-7145


Laurie Lauzon Clabo, Provost & Senate Chair: laurie.lauzon.clabo@wayne.edu, 313-577-4073

Jennifer Moss, WAU: aa2191@wayne.edu


Duties and Responsibilities

  1. The Policy Committee serves as the executive council of the Senate and is responsible for conducting the business of the Academic Senate. Meetings are usually held once every week during the academic year and every other week during the summer months.
  2. The Policy Committee prepares the agenda for all meetings of the Senate. It meets to prepare the agenda at least one week before each regular Senate meeting.
  3. It appoints members to the standing committees of the Senate, in accordance with the procedures set forth in the bylaws. It also assigns one of its own members to serve as a liaison member with voice but no vote on the Faculty Affairs Committee, the Curriculum and Instruction Committee, the Research Committee, the Student Affairs Committee, and the Facilities and Support Services Committee. ThePresident of the Senate serves as liaison to the Graduate Council. The President also serves as liaison to the Elections Committee.
  4. It receives communications addressed to the Senate. It may refer these to the appropriate Senate standing committee, to a special or ad hoc committee established in accordance with the bylaws, or to administrative officers when this appears appropriate.
  5. It makes recommendations to the Senate in any matter of University educational policy.
  6. It maintains regular liaison with the President of the University and may confer with other University officers, either upon their initiative or its own. At the President's request the Policy Committee may make advisory recommendations upon University policy after consultation, whenever possible, with the appropriate existing committees, but such recommendations should be reported to the Senate at its next regular meeting.
  7. Insofar as possible it keeps the Senate informed of matters before the Board of Governors.
  8. Upon request from the President of the University or his/her designee, it tenders nominations for University committees or for other special assignments.
  9. The Policy Committee publishes Proceedings of each of its meetings and circulates them in a timely fashion to the membership of the Senate. The Proceedings are formally received by the Academic Senate at a regular meeting at which time the Senate has the opportunity to discuss the Proceedings. Actions for which the Policy Committee desires formal endorsement are presented separately to the Senate.

Academic Senate