The ASDEIC will review issues related to DEI in the areas of the Academic Senate's jurisdiction. Upon its initial appointment, the ASDEIC will review the various recommendations included in the final SJAC report to evaluate the recommendations and suggest any further consideration by other standing committees. If considered appropriate, as discussed both in the Faculty Affairs Committee and Policy Committee over the last three years, the ASDEIC will work with the Associate Provost for Diversity to review any periodic climate survey of the campus and assess what actions the Senate should recommend based on longitudinal data regarding the behavioral, understanding, and action issues such a survey can delineate. Other matters addressed by the ASDEIC will come from its members, including issues brought to its attention from faculty and academic staff constituents as well as the Associate Provost for Diversity. The ASDEIC will maintain professionalism at all times, as well as careful adherence to any need for privacy and confidentiality. The ASDEIC will bring to the Policy Committee any recommendations for consideration by the broader Senate body. The ASDEIC should engage with the Associate Provost for Diversity, to the extent possible, in planning campus DEI events. Like every standing committee of the Senate, the ASDEIC will prepare an annual report to the Senate, with information about the events it has held, matters it has considered and any recommendations for additional actions needed. Over time, it is expected that the ASDEIC will develop a bibliography on diversity, equity, and inclusion within the university setting that will be maintained in the Senate office as a resource for the committee.
It is always important to ensure that an appropriately diverse group of members include Black, Latinx, Asian, women, LGBTQ+, differently abled and other groups, but this is especially true for this committee. The membership will be made up in the following way: Six (6) faculty members (including four tenured or tenure-track professors, one lecturer, and one clinical or research faculty) shall be selected, one from each of the six standing committees of the Academic Senate other than Policy, through the regular Policy Committee process for selecting members of standing committees based on their stated preferences and considerations of diversity. The university's Associate Provost for Diversity and Inclusion Marquita Chamblee will be invited to observe and comment on that selection to help ensure consideration of all DEI issues. Faculty selected will serve 3-year terms --with the initial terms staggered so that each year two (2) faculty would be selected to replace two (2) whose terms had expired. No two faculty should be from the same school/college. Three (3) Academic Staff shall be selected through the regular Policy Committee process for selecting members of standing committees based on their stated preferences and considerations of diversity. Staff selected will serve 3-year terms --with the initial terms staggered so that each year one (1) Academic Staff person would be selected to replace one (1) whose term had expired. Each Academic Staff person should be from a different university unit. A single liaison from the following groups, in accordance with long-standing Academic Senate inclusion of differing perspectives, will be at included: Student Senate, Graduate Student Union, Graduate Council, AAUP-AFT, Coalition of Unions (non-AAUP-AFT liaison), and the University Administration (the Provost and the Associate Provost for Diversity and Inclusion and Chief Diversity Officer, if not assigned as liaisons, will be invited guests for all meetings; other administrative personnel will be invited for particular meetings as suitable for topics under consideration).
Marisa Henderson:, 7-2589
Suresh Balasubramanian:, 313-576-8320
Basma Bekdache:, 248-752-2242
Sean Hickey:, 313-577-7951
Chris Kliethermes:, 630-433-7722
Feng Lin:, 313-577-3428
Ali Salamey:, 7-8523
Nicole Wheeler:, 734-751-5056
Jennifer Lewis, Policy Committee:
Hayg Oshagan, WAU:
Mark Wenzel, UPTF:
Jada Shorter, Student Senate:
Chris Kelly, Graduate Council:
Coalition of Unions: