





Annotated with Appropriate Citations from Relevant Statutes

(as amended September 6, 2023)




The name of this body is the Academic Senate of Wayne State University.




The powers and duties of the Academic Senate derive from a grant of authority made by the Board of Governors of Wayne State University.1

________________________   Academic Senate

The Academic Senate is the instrumentality by which the faculties of the University can express to the President of the University and the Board of Governors their considered opinion and judgment upon matters of educational policy affecting the University community.  Although the privilege of direct communication by any member of the faculty is affirmed, this Senate is recognized as the official and major channel of communication on such matters between the faculties and this Board.   Functions and Responsibilities

This Senate has authority and responsibility for the formulation and review of educational policy affecting the University as a whole; but this responsibility shall extend to the internal affairs of colleges, schools, divisions and other units of the University only where they significantly affect the interests of other units or the University as a whole.  

The responsibility for the formulation and continuing review of educational policy shall give attention to the content and costs of academic programs together with those aspects of organization which have a substantive effect on the character of academic programs.  The appropriate University officers, as designated by the President, shall work with the Academic Senate in the formulation of educational policy recommendations.   

The Academic Senate shall, in particular, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, recommend to the President and the Board of Governors, except in those matters subject to collective bargaining, policies affecting faculty rights and responsibilities, faculty welfare, and generally accepted principles of academic freedom and tenure.   

In case of appointments to administrative posts above the level of deanships the Senate may offer recommendations as to criteria and may provide for systematic faculty consultation in regard to particular appointments.





The composition of the Academic Senate is provided for by action of the Board of Governors of Wayne State University.2

All members shall be elected for three-year terms by secret ballot and shall take office on the day that University-year appointments begin.


Section 1.  Members-at-Large

There shall be six (6) members elected at large by the University academic community.3  The terms shall be arranged so that two expire each year. 

Section 2.  Members Representing University Units

The following units of the University, having full-time faculty and/or academic staff, shall be entitled to elect representatives to the Academic Senate:  all schools and colleges, the University Libraries (which shall include the School of Information Sciences) and the Office of the Provost.

The number of representatives from each unit shall be apportioned according to the unit size.  The unit size for the purpose of apportionment shall be based upon the number of salaried full-time and at least one-half fractional-time members of the faculty and academic staff within the unit.  Graduate assistants, research assistants, and research associates shall not be counted in the apportionment.  The number of representatives shall be determined according to the following rule:  one representative for the first fifteen plus one for each additional thirty-three (or fraction thereof) full-time and at least one-half fractional-time faculty and academic staff members within the unit.4

________________________   Composition of the Academic Senate

The Senate shall be composed of (1) members elected at large by the University academic staff; (2) members elected from the several schools and colleges in numbers proportionate to their faculty size; and (3) members elected by the academic staffs of certain service divisions of the University.  

Any full-time member of the academic rank of instructor, or its equivalent, or any higher rank, shall be entitled to vote in any election of Senate members-at-large, or at any referendum affecting the Senate.  Eligibility to vote for school, college, or unit representatives shall be determined by the school, college, or unit concerned.   Composition of the Academic Senate

The Senate shall be composed of (1) members elected at large by the University academic staff; (2) members elected from the several schools and colleges in numbers proportionate to their faculty size; and (3) members elected by the academic staffs of certain service divisions of the University.  

Future changes in the formulas for representation shall be submitted to a similar referendum upon petition of 5% of the persons eligible to vote thereat, or by vote of a majority of the membership of the Senate; and if approved as herein provided shall take effect at the next regular election for members of the Senate.   

Any changes in the formulas for representation shall be subject to the provisions herein provided for changes in the Senate bylaws.


Section 3.  Liaisons from Retirees

Two persons elected by the Wayne State University Retirees Association from those who were eligible to serve as at-large members at the time of their retirement shall serve as liaisons to the Academic Senate with voice but without vote.




Section 1.  Eligibility

All salaried members of the faculty and academic staff of Wayne State University who are employed full-time or at least one-half fractional time shall be eligible to vote and to be elected in any election of members-at-large.  Disputes over eligibility in a member-at-large election shall be settled by the chief academic officer in consultation with the Elections Committee.

Section 2.  Authority of Academic Senate Elections Committee

The Academic Senate Elections Committee, hereinafter provided for in Article VII, Section 11, shall supervise the election of members-at-large.  It shall fix the time of the election in accordance with Section 4-E of this Article; it shall be responsible for the announcement of offices to be filled at the election, the preparation and receipt of nominating petitions, the preparation of ballots, the lists of eligible voters, the conduct of elections as hereinafter provided, and certification to the Senate of members elected.

Section 3.  Nominations

Nominations for members-at-large shall be made by petition signed by at least ten eligible voters representing two or more colleges, schools, or divisions of the University which are represented in the Academic Senate as prescribed in Article III, Section 2 above.  No faculty member may sign more nominating petitions than there are offices to fill.  The Elections Committee shall make additional nominations if necessary to bring the total up to five persons when the number to be elected is two, and twice the number to be elected when that number is more than two.  If the Elections Committee is unable to identify sufficient additional persons willing to run for election, the member-at-large election can be held with fewer than five persons.

Section 4.  Election

A. Normal Number of Nominees

The election shall be by secret mail ballot.  If there are two positions to be filled and the number of nominees does not exceed six, or if there are more than two positions to be filled and the number of nominees does not exceed two and one-half times the number of positions to be filled, then the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected to the three-year terms.  Terms of less than three years shall be filled by those receiving the next highest number of votes, the longer terms being filled first.  The first runner-up shall be declared an alternate.  The alternate shall retain that capacity for three years and shall be prepared to replace either of the persons elected at the same time to three-year terms if for any reason one of them should be unable to serve.

In the event of a tie the Elections Committee shall determine the successful candidate by lot.

B. Above Normal Number of Nominees

If there are two positions to be filled and the number of nominees exceeds six, or if there are more than two positions to be filled and the number of nominees exceeds two and one-half times the number of those positions, then person(s) shall be declared elected as in Section 4-A of this Article except that no person shall be declared elected unless he/she shall have a majority of valid ballots cast.  If positions remain unfilled because of failure to reach a majority of valid ballots cast, a run-off election shall be called.

C. Run-Off Election

The run-off election shall be by secret mail ballot.  The nominees shall be chosen using the results of the first election.  Those who received the least votes shall be removed from the list until the requisite number of nominees remain.  The number of nominees shall be twice the number of positions remaining to be filled.  Terms shall be filled by those receiving the highest number of votes, the longer terms being filled first.  The first runner-up shall be declared an alternate.  The alternate shall retain that capacity for three years and shall be prepared to replace either of the persons elected at the same time to three-year terms if for any reason one of them should be unable to serve.

In the event of a tie the Elections Committee shall determine the successful candidate by lot.

D. Voting

In each election for members-at-large, each eligible voter shall be entitled to vote for as many different candidates as there are positions to be filled.

E. Time of Election

The election of members-at-large should be scheduled so as to be completed prior to March 1 of each year.5

Section 5.  Vacancies Among Memberships-at-Large

A. If a membership-at-large becomes vacant for any reason, the position shall be filled by the alternate who was elected for the term of that membership.  The alternate shall remain a member-at-large until the regular member can resume his/her position or until the end of the term.

B. In case the appropriate alternate is not available, the vacated membership-at-large shall be filled in accordance with the following procedure:

i)  If the vacancy is temporary and the member-at-large will resume his/her office before the three-year term expires, the vacancy shall be filled by election at a timely regular meeting of the Academic Senate.

ii)  If the vacancy runs to the end of the three-year term, as many of the last years of the term as possible shall be filled by election at a regular election of members-at-large.  From the time that the membership-at-large becomes vacant until the first meeting in September when the duly elected member-at-large takes office, the position shall be filled by an election held at a timely regular meeting of the Academic Senate.

iii) The above provisions notwithstanding, it shall not be required to fill a vacancy of less than three months’ duration.





Section 1.  Election and Eligibility

Members from the schools, colleges, and divisions of the University shall be chosen at elections to be conducted annually prior to the third week in April.  The faculty and academic staff of each college, school, or division shall determine the rules for the election of its members to the Academic Senate, including rules governing the eligibility of voters.  But no school, college, or division shall permit other than faculty and academic staff to vote in elections of representatives to the Academic Senate.


Section 2.  Responsibility of the Academic Senate Elections Committee

The Academic Senate Elections Committee shall at suitable times notify the deans and other appropriate officers of the several schools, colleges, and divisions of the impending expiration of terms of their Senate members, as well as vacancies caused by death, withdrawal, and resignation.  It shall request submission prior to the third week in April of the results of the school, college, and division elections for Senate members, and it shall certify the members-elect to the Senate at the next regular meeting following receipt of the results.6


Section 3.  Vacancies Among Memberships

Whenever a unit elected membership becomes vacant for any reason, the vacated membership shall be filled through the faculty/academic staff governance process constituted under the bylaws of the school, college, or division.  The alternate shall remain a member until the regular member can resume his/her position or until the end of the membership term.





Section 1.  Designation

Officers of the Senate shall be a Chair, a Vice Chair, a President, and a Parliamentarian.

Section 2.  Chair

The President of the University shall serve as Chair, or may choose to designate the chief academic officer to serve as Chair.

Section 3.  Vice Chair

The Vice Chair shall be elected annually by the Senate Policy Committee (see Article VII, Sections 7 and 8) from among its own members and shall be confirmed by the Senate.  This individual shall preside over the Senate and the Policy Committee in the absence of the Chair. The Vice Chair shall perform the duties of the President of the Senate during those periods in which the President is temporarily unable to serve.

Section 4.  The President and President-Elect

The President-elect shall be elected by the Senate from among its own members at the regular April meeting each year.  A majority of the members present and voting shall be required for election.  The President-elect shall become an additional ex-officio member without vote of the Policy Committee immediately following the election, and shall from that time until taking office as President be privy to such business as is transacted by the incumbent President.  The President-elect shall take office as President on the day that University-year appointments begin following the election, shall serve for one year, and shall be eligible for re-election.  The outgoing President shall continue as an ex-officio member of the Policy Committee until a new Policy Committee is elected by the Senate.  A vacancy in the office of President shall be filled immediately by election from the Senate for the remainder of the unexpired term.  In the event the term of the President-elect as a Senate member expires before the President-elect takes office and the President-elect is not re-elected to Senate membership, the office shall be deemed vacant and a new election scheduled at the earliest regular meeting.  The President shall keep the official proceedings of the Senate and the Policy Committee, and shall be responsible for sending all notices required by the bylaws and rules of the Senate.  The President shall send proceedings of the Senate to all members, to members of the Board of Governors, the University President, the Vice Presidents, all members of the Administrative Conference, and the University Archivist.  In general, the President shall be responsible for all matters relating to the operation and administration of the Senate and its business. 

Section 5.  The Parliamentarian

The Parliamentarian shall be elected annually by the Policy Committee and shall be confirmed by the Senate.

Section 6.  Privileges of the Officers

The Vice Chair, President, and Parliamentarian shall in no way be restricted in their privilege of debate or vote in the Senate by virtue of their offices.

Section 7.  Replacement of Officers

The elected officers (President, Vice Chair, and Parliamentarian) shall be responsible to the Senate, and if at any time one of them loses the confidence of the Senate he/she may be voted out of office in accordance with the following procedures:  a petition, signed by at least ten members of the Academic Senate, naming the officers and stating the reasons for requesting a recall, shall be filed with the Policy Committee in time to be included on the announced agenda of a meeting of the Academic Senate.  Copies of the petition shall be distributed to the Senate membership with the agenda materials.  When the recall motion is introduced, it shall be debated and then laid over until the next regular meeting at which time the vote shall be taken.  A majority of the Senate membership shall be necessary to remove an officer from office.  A vacancy among the officers created in this way shall be filled as soon as possible in a manner consistent with these bylaws.





Section 1.  Organization

The Senate shall organize itself into the following standing committees:


                        Policy Committee

                        Budget Committee

                        Curriculum and Instruction Committee

                        Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee

                        Elections Committee

                        Facilities, Support Services and Technology Committee

                        Faculty Affairs Committee

                        Research Committee

                        Student Affairs Committee


Standing committees may make cooperative arrangements among themselves to deal with issues that relate to the responsibilities of more than one committee.


Such issues may also be assigned by the Senate or the Policy Committee to ad hoc committees.  (See Article VIII.)8


Section 2.  General Duties and Functions

Each standing committee shall make careful and detailed studies of matters referred to it.  It shall also call the Senate’s attention to subjects within its province which require study and action and shall make suggestions to the Policy Committee for the Senate agenda.  It shall prepare reports and recommendations which it shall submit to the Policy Committee for review prior to submission to the Academic Senate in accordance with Article VII, Section 8, Paragraph H of these bylaws.  It shall, in addition, submit a summary of its activities to the President of the Senate at the conclusion of each academic year.

Each standing committee shall be prepared to provide advice and assistance directly to the University Administration at the request of the Administration or on its own initiative provided it reports its actions to the Policy Committee.  Recommendations which substantively affect policy shall be submitted for prior review by the Policy Committee.  When the matter is of sufficient consequence, the Policy Committee may refer the recommendations to the full Senate for review.


Section 3.  Liaisons

Each standing committee except the Elections Committee and the Policy Committee shall maintain communication through liaisons with the University Administration, the Wayne State University Chapter of the American Association of University Professors, the Student Senate, the Policy Committee, and the Union of Part-Time Faculty.  The liaisons with the University Administration will be appointed by the President of the University or his/her designee.  The remaining liaisons will be appointed by their corresponding organizations.

The President of the Academic Senate will be the Policy Committee’s liaison to the Elections Committee.

The Chair of the Policy Committee will also serve as the Administration’s liaison.  The President of the Wayne State University Chapter of the American Association of University Professors will be liaison to the Policy Committee.  All liaisons will have voice but no vote except student representatives, who shall have voice and vote in the committees on which they serve.  To facilitate its work, a standing committee may also request the assistance of any other member of the University.


Section 4.  Committee Service and Senate Members

Every member shall serve on at least one committee of the Senate.  Except for members of the Policy Committee, no Senate member shall be expected to serve upon more than one standing committee; however, members of the Elections Committee will usually serve on one other standing committee.

Standing committee members shall serve from the day they are appointed until the new committee is appointed for the new academic year.  This shall hold even for those members whose terms on the Senate may have expired.


Section 5.  Choice of Standing Committee Members

The personnel of all standing committees, except the Policy Committee, shall be constituted annually according to the following procedure:  after the election results are reported to the Senate President in the last part of the academic year, the President will canvass the membership of the new Senate regarding its preferences in committee assignments.  The Policy Committee shall then make committee assignments, using this and all other relevant information, prior to the start of the next academic year. 

The Policy Committee shall bear the final responsibility for organizing the Senate into standing committees.  It shall also appoint the chairs of the standing committees.  In choosing standing committees, the Policy Committee shall make these decisions by the first meeting of the Academic Senate.  It shall take into account individual experience and preferences, and it shall adhere to the various provisions elsewhere in these bylaws concerning the constitution of standing committees.  The governing criterion for committee assignments shall be the effective functioning of the Senate.

So that the work of the Senate may commence as promptly as possible in the new academic year, the Policy Committee shall complete the organization of the Senate into standing committees rapidly, and, on its completion, the Senate President shall inform the membership of its assignments without delay.

Except for the Policy Committee, the Budget Committee, and the Elections Committee, standing committees may add to their membership as many as two faculty members eligible to serve on the Senate but not so doing.  Members so appointed will have voice and vote on the committee (though not on the Senate) and will serve until the new committee is appointed in the next academic year.9


Section 6.  Committee Meetings

Early in the academic year, each Senate member shall file an availability form with the Senate President indicating those times at which the member is available for committee meetings.  The member shall be responsible for making changes in the form to assure that it reflects current availability.  Any committee member who has failed to return his/her availability form will be deemed available for all meetings.  When standing committee members are given at least three working days notice and the availability charts indicate that a majority of the committee is free to meet at the time announced, the meeting will be said to be “properly called.”  Except in emergencies, all standing committee meetings shall be properly called.  For all standing committees except the Policy Committee, a quorum for a properly called meeting shall be four voting members who are members of the Senate.  A quorum for an emergency meeting shall be a majority of the voting members.  For the Policy Committee, a quorum shall consist of a majority of the voting members.

The chairs of committees are responsible for calling meetings and preparing and distributing agendas, minutes, and supporting materials.  Three voting members of a standing committee may call a meeting of the committee by written request to the chair of the committee and to the Senate office.


Section 7.  Policy Committee:  Election

The Policy Committee shall be composed of three continuing (three-year) and four one-year members elected by the Senate from its own members at the first meeting of the regular academic year. In addition, the Senate Chair shall be a member ex-officio without vote and the Senate President shall be a member ex-officio with vote.

The term of continuing members is three years with the stipulation that members of the Policy Committee must continue to be Senate members.  Each year one new continuing member shall be elected to replace the continuing member whose term has expired.  For the two years immediately following the end of a continuing member’s three-year term, that former continuing member may only be elected to one-year terms.  One-year members shall serve with the same voting and participation rights as continuing members.

A.  Election of Members of the Policy Committee

Nominations shall be solicited by mail in advance and shall also be taken from the floor.  Election shall be by majority of ballots cast at the meeting.  On each ballot members may vote for as many candidates as there are positions remaining open.

Those obtaining a majority of ballots cast on the first tally shall be declared elected to the vacant position(s), unless more candidates receive a majority vote than there are positions to be filled.  In that case, a second tally will be held in which the Senate will choose only from among those candidates who received a majority vote; those receiving the highest number of votes in the second tally will be declared elected to the open positions.

If after the first tally there were fewer candidates who received a majority vote than positions to be filled, a second tally will be held.  For this tally, (i) the names of those already elected will be removed from the ballot; (ii) the number of names remaining on the ballot shall be equal to the number of positions remaining to be filled plus one and shall be the names with the highest number of votes; and (iii) all other names with the lowest numbers of votes shall be removed.  Those obtaining a majority of ballots cast on this second tally shall be declared elected to the vacant position(s).  If after this vote there continue to be one or more vacancies, the process is continued, provided that when there is only one more candidate than remaining vacancies, that shall be the final vote.

B.  Election of the New Continuing Member

After the Senate has elected new members of the Policy Committee, an election shall be held for the new continuing member.  The ballot shall consist of the newly elected members of the Policy Committee under part A, above, other than former continuing members ineligible for a three-year term. Members may vote for one candidate.  If any candidate obtains a majority of the ballots cast, that candidate shall be declared elected to the three-year term. If no candidate obtains such a majority, a second tally shall be taken with the two candidates with the highest number of votes on the ballot.  The candidate with the most votes shall be declared elected to the continuing member term.

C.  Replacement of Absent Members

If a member of the Policy Committee is to be absent for one academic term or longer, the Senate shall elect a temporary member to serve during such absence.

D.  Replacement of Committee

The Policy Committee shall be responsible to the Senate, and if at any time it loses the confidence of the Senate it may be voted out of office according to the following procedures:  a petition, signed by at least ten members of the Academic Senate, stating the reasons for requesting a recall, shall be filed with the Policy Committee in time to be included on the announced agenda of a meeting of the Academic Senate.  Copies of the petition shall be distributed to the Senate membership with the agenda materials.  When the recall motion is introduced, it shall be debated and then laid over until the next regular meeting at which time the vote shall be taken.  A majority of the Senate membership shall be necessary to recall the Policy Committee.  The Senate shall then elect a new committee to serve until the next regular election.

E.  Chair of the Policy Committee

The Chair of the Academic Senate shall serve as Chair of the Policy Committee.


Section 8.  Policy Committee Duties

The Policy Committee shall have the following duties and responsibilities:

  1. It shall prepare the agenda for all meetings of the Senate.  It shall meet to prepare the agenda at least one week before each regular meeting.
  2. It shall appoint members to the standing committees of the Senate, in accordance with the procedures set forth in Article VII, Section 5.  It shall also assign one of its own members to serve as a liaison member with voice but no vote on the Faculty Affairs Committee, the Curriculum and Instruction Committee, the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee, the Research Committee, the Student Affairs Committee, and the Facilities, Support Services and Technology Committee.  The President of the Senate shall serve as liaison to the Graduate Council.  The President shall also serve as liaison to the Elections Committee.
  3. It shall receive communications addressed to the Senate.  It may at its discretion refer these to the appropriate Senate standing committee, to a special or ad hoc committee established in accordance with Article VIII of these bylaws, or to administrative officers when this appears appropriate.  Referrals may be made with or without formal recommendations.
  4. It may make recommendations to the Senate in any matter of University educational policy.
  5. It shall maintain regular liaison with the President of the University and may confer with other University officers, either upon their initiative or its own.  At the President’s request the Policy Committee may make advisory recommendations upon University policy after consultation, whenever possible, with the appropriate existing committees, but such recommendations shall be reported to the Senate at its next regular meeting.
  6. Insofar as possible it shall keep the Senate informed of matters before the Board of Governors.
  7. Upon request from the President of the University or his/her designee, it shall tender nominations for University committees or for other special assignments.
  8. Committee Reports
    1. Committee reports which make a recommendation for action shall be sent to the Policy Committee.
    2. After review by the Policy Committee, the committee report will either:

a. be sent back to the committee with suggestions for further consideration, or

b. be placed on the agenda for the next Senate meeting.

  1. If a report which has been returned to committee is sent back to the Policy Committee without change, the Policy Committee will then place such report, together with the comments of the Policy Committee, on the agenda for the next Senate meeting.
  2. When a report by a committee is sent back for further consideration by the Policy Committee, the committee may send a representative (other than the liaison member from the Policy Committee) to present the committee’s views on the report at the meeting of the Policy Committee when said report is to be reconsidered.

I. Proceedings of the Policy Committee

The Policy Committee shall publish Proceedings of each of its meetings and circulate them in a timely fashion to the membership of the Senate.  The Proceedings shall be formally received by the Academic Senate at a regular meeting at which time the Senate shall have the opportunity to discuss said Proceedings.  Actions for which the Policy Committee desires formal endorsement shall be presented separately to the Senate.


Section 9.  Budget Committee

This Committee shall monitor the process by which allocations are made to budgetary units and report to the Academic Senate periodically on any significant changes in such allocations and on the criteria for such changes.  It shall keep itself informed as to the financial operations of the University.  It shall provide advice to the university administration on budgetary matters on request or at its own initiative.  It shall maintain primary liaison with the senior executive officer for budgetary matters.

At least four members of the Budget Committee shall be members of the Academic Senate who are not Policy Committee members; the Policy Committee shall be represented on this committee by at least two members; additional member(s) may be either from the Policy Committee or not, but shall be in the Senate.  The Policy Committee may appoint an additional member from outside the Senate membership.  Such person, though not presently serving, should be eligible to serve on the Academic Senate.  Such appointee shall not serve as chairperson and shall remain a member with voice and vote until a new committee is appointed in the subsequent academic year.


Section 10.  Curriculum and Instruction Committee

This committee shall concern itself with academic policies, programs, and practices which affect the University as a whole.  These concerns may extend to the internal affairs of colleges, schools, divisions, and other units of the University where they significantly affect the interests of other units or of the university as a whole.  In particular, it shall be concerned with new instructional programs, curtailment of instructional programs, admissions policy, registration policy, calendar policy, and all other questions concerning curriculum and instruction, including budgetary requirements and budgetary effects of policy changes.  It shall present a responsible cost analysis for any policy changes which it recommends to the Senate.  It shall maintain primary liaison with the appropriate executive officer designated by the President.


Section 11.  Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee

The ASDEIC will review issues related to DEI in the areas of the Academic Senate’s jurisdiction.  Upon its initial appointment, the ASDEIC will review the various recommendations included in the final SJAC report to evaluate the recommendations and suggest any further consideration by other standing committees.  If considered appropriate, as discussed both in the Faculty Affairs Committee and Policy Committee over the last three years, the ASDEIC will work with the Associate Provost for Diversity to review any periodic climate survey of the campus and assess what actions the Senate should recommend based on longitudinal data regarding the behavioral, understanding, and action issues such a survey can delineate.  Other matters addressed by the ASDEIC will come from its members, including issues brought to its attention from faculty and academic staff constituents as well as the Associate Provost for Diversity.  The ASDEIC will maintain professionalism at all times, as well as careful adherence to any need for privacy and confidentiality.  The ASDEIC will bring to the Policy Committee any recommendations for consideration by the broader Senate body.

The ASDEIC should engage with the Associate Provost for Diversity, to the extent possible, in planning campus DEI events.  Like every standing committee of the Senate, the ASDEIC will prepare an annual report to the Senate, with information about the events it has held, matters it has considered and any recommendations for additional actions needed.

Over time, it is expected that the ASDEIC will develop a bibliography on diversity, equity, and inclusion within the university setting that will be maintained in the Senate office as a resource for the committee.


Section 12.  Elections Committee

The Elections Committee shall consist of at least six Senate members, no two of whom shall be from any one college, school, or division.  The committee shall conduct elections for members-at-large of the Academic Senate, as provided in Article IV, Section 2; and shall certify the election of college, school, and division representative, as provided in Article V, Section 2.  The committee shall also conduct elections which take place at Senate meetings.

In addition, it shall study and report annually upon the apportionment of representation among the various schools, colleges, and divisions and shall make recommendations thereon to the Policy Committee.  It shall maintain primary liaison with the Senate President who shall be the Policy Committee liaison to the Elections Committee.10


Section 13.  Facilities, Support Services and Technology Committee

This committee shall concern itself with the physical facilities, support services and technology essential to the maintenance of quality academic programs.  It shall include policies and budgetary considerations in its domain.  It shall, in so much as possible, participate in the development of the Capital Outlay Budget Request which the University submits to the state government each year. In any case, it shall report to the Senate its opinion concerning the priority listing of new capital projects and major renovation projects contained in the Capital Outlay Budget Request.  It shall maintain liaison with directors of appropriate divisions and with the faculty advising committees of these divisions where they exist.  It shall report to the Academic Senate on the state of physical facilities, support services and technology in the University.  It shall maintain primary liaison with the appropriate executive officer(s) designated by the President.


Section 14.  Faculty Affairs Committee

This committee shall deal with matters affecting the welfare of the faculty, principles governing relationships between administration and faculty, faculty rights, and faculty participation in governance.11 It shall maintain primary liaison with the appropriate executive officer designated by the President.


Section 15.  Research Committee

This committee shall concern itself with new research programs, curtailment of research programs, encouragement of research, the relation between the research function of the University and its other functions, and all other questions concerning research that involve the University at large, which include budgetary requirements and budgetary effects of policy changes. Help in the implementation of programs in support of research.  It shall maintain primary liaison with the appropriate executive officer(s) designated by the President.

It shall present a responsible cost analysis for any policy changes which it recommends to the Senate.  It shall be available to the chief research officer of the University to give advice and to


Section 16.  Student Affairs Committee

This committee shall deal with all matters concerning the relationship of students to the Univer-sity except those which, because of their strictly academic nature, are within the province of the Curriculum and Instruction Committee.  It shall serve as a liaison body between the Academic Senate and the Student Council.  It shall deal with policies concerning student activities, policies affecting student organizations, student-faculty relations, student responsibilities, support services for students, and all other matters concerning student welfare.  Its deliberations shall include budgetary requirements and budgetary effects of policy changes.  It shall present a responsible cost analysis for any policy changes which it recommends to the Senate.  It shall maintain primary liaison with the appropriate executive officer designated by the President.





Special or ad hoc committees for particular purposes may be created by the Senate or the Policy Committee acting for the Senate.  Whenever such a committee is formed, the Policy Committee shall consider whether to invite the Presidents of the University, of the Wayne State Chapter of the American Association of University Professors, and of the Student Senate to appoint liaisons.  After fulfilling the purpose for which it was created, such a committee shall be discharged.  The personnel of such committees need not be chosen from the membership of the Academic Senate.  Whenever the need shall arise, the Policy Committee, in its discretion or upon the instruction of the Senate, may appoint ad hoc conference committees to confer with the President-Deans Conference, the Graduate Council, or other University bodies or officers with a view to reconciling or adjusting differences in recommended University policy, provided always that the activities of such committees shall be reported to the Senate.





Section 1.  Regular and Special Meetings

A regular meeting of the Senate shall be held monthly during the regular academic year and a schedule shall be published prior to the beginning of the academic year.

Special meetings may be called at any time by the Chair, or by the Senate Policy Committee, or upon petition of any five Senate members who present their request to the Chair in writing. Except when the Senate is to be convened in special meeting, notice of each meeting, together with a copy of the agenda and all pertinent documents, shall be sent by the Senate President to each member of the Senate at least three working days before the meeting convenes.


Section 2.  Attendance and Absences

Senate members are expected to regard attendance at all meetings as a primary obligation to their colleagues and to the University.  When conflicting professional duties, imperative personal affairs, or illness make attendance at a given meeting impossible, Senate members are requested to notify the Senate President in advance of the meeting.  Such absences will be separately listed in the proceedings as “absences with notice.”

The term of a member who has not attended at least two meetings from the first meeting of the academic year through the meeting in March shall be deemed terminated as of the first meeting of the next academic year.  The individual member and the unit represented by the member shall be promptly notified.  The notification shall be timed so that the unit may elect someone to complete the unexpired portion of the three-year term if any such portion remains.  If it finds sufficient cause, the Policy Committee may restore the member’s seat on appeal by the member, providing that appeal is made promptly enough to allow the member’s unit to fill the position by election if the appeal is denied.  If the member is a member-at-large, the seat shall be declared vacant as of the May meeting and the vacancy shall be filled as provided elsewhere in these bylaws.  A member-at-large may appeal the loss of his/her seat to the Policy Committee, provided that appeal is made no later than one week after the March meeting.


Section 3.  Senate Meetings Open

Senate meetings shall be open to the public.  However, the Senate may by majority vote limit attendance to University staff members, defined as regularly appointed academic and non-academic personnel.  Furthermore, by a two-thirds vote, the Senate may limit attendance to its own members and specified invited guests.  Special closed meetings may be called at the discretion of the Chair.  The above actions may be taken so long as they do not conflict with any applicable laws relating to the conduct of meetings by bodies representing public institutions.


Section 4.  Publicity Regarding Meetings

Before each Senate meeting the Senate President shall circulate to the entire faculty a copy of the agenda, including the place and date of the meeting and a statement that faculty members are invited to attend.  The Senate President, where possible, also shall cause notice of the meeting to be inserted in the University Calendar.

After each meeting, the Senate President shall publish or otherwise circulate to the entire University faculty an appropriate summary of the Senate’s actions.





Section 1.  Agenda

The agenda for each meeting shall be prepared by the Policy Committee.  Proposals for Senate consideration may be presented by individuals or University organizations to the Senate President for submission to the Policy Committee.

The agenda for each meeting may include the following items, among others:  approval of the proceedings of the previous meeting; report from the Senate President (including announcements, proceedings of the Policy Committee, and communication); comments from the University President; matters submitted by the Policy Committee; unfinished business from previous meetings; report from the Chair; committee reports; and new business.


Section 2.  Adherence to Agenda

No matter shall be debated or voted upon at any meeting unless it is fairly within the scope of the agenda, except with the approval of a two-thirds majority of the members present.  A committee report may be heard at any meeting, but no action shall be taken unless it has been submitted to Policy Committee for announcement on the agenda.


Section 3.  New Business

New business introduced from the floor requiring investigation and report shall be referred by the Senate to the Policy Committee, or to the appropriate standing committee, or to a special committee.  The Senate by majority vote may instruct the committee in question to report in time to include the matter on the agenda of the next meeting.  The Senate by two-thirds vote may decide to consider the matter immediately.  Members of the Senate are encouraged to introduce matters proposed by any individual or University organization.  Any resolution presented “pursuant to request” shall indicate that the mover does not necessarily endorse its substance.  The provisions of Section 2 above shall be adhered to in the consideration of new business.


Section 4.  Requests for Hearings

Any member of the University community or any University organization may file with the Senate President a request for a hearing before the Senate.  The Policy Committee shall either place the request on the agenda, refer it to the appropriate standing committee, or deny it if in the Policy Committee’s best judgment it is inappropriate.


Section 5.  Communications to the Senate

Communications to the Senate shall be filed with the Senate President, and the Policy Committee shall thereafter place them on the agenda to be read at the next meeting.  The proceedings of the meeting need merely show that a communication was received and read.  But the Senate may decide to dispense, in whole or in part, with the reading of any communication.


Section 6.  Requests for Information

The Senate or any of its committees may request the attendance of any member of the University staff to present such facts and information as are desired.


Section 7.  Presentation to the Board

Should the University President reject a Senate recommendation, the Policy Committee shall appoint the Senate President or other Senate member to present the Senate position before the Board.


Section 8.  Quorum

During the regular academic year, the presence of a majority of the members shall be necessary for the transaction of all business of the Senate and of its committees, except that in the absence of a quorum, members present may rise as a committee of the whole, and may adjourn.

When a special meeting is called during the interval between the two regular academic years, a quorum shall consist of three sevenths of the membership.


Section 9.  Voting

Unless otherwise specified in these bylaws, a majority of those present and voting shall be sufficient to pass motions. Voting shall ordinarily be by voice or by a show of hands.  At the discretion of the Chair or, following a seconded motion, by a vote of one third of the members present and voting by voice or show of hands, the vote may be taken by a secret ballot.  Any member who has not explained a personal position in the debate prior to voting shall be permitted to do so after all the votes have been recorded and before any new matters are considered. Such statement shall be reported in the proceedings upon his/her request.


Section 10.  Reconsideration

A motion to reconsider may be made by any member who voted affirmatively on the original motion.  A majority of the Senate membership shall be necessary to carry such motion.  Unless the motion to reconsider is made at the same meeting at which the matter was adopted, notice of intention to propose reconsideration must be given in writing to the Senate President within one week following the meeting.  The vote to reconsider must be taken before close of the next meeting after the original motion was passed.


Section 11.  Rules of Order

The current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall apply to all meetings of the Senate and committees excepting when such rules are inconsistent with these bylaws; however, the rules may be suspended by unanimous consent.





Amendments to these bylaws may be initiated in either of the following ways: (1) by a petition, signed either by ten members of the Senate or by five per cent (5%) of the persons eligible to vote in the previous balloting for members-at-large, setting forth the proposed amendment and requesting that it be placed on the agenda by Policy Committee; or, (2) by being placed on the agenda by the Policy Committee.

Proposed amendments must be distributed to the Senate membership and may be discussed at the meeting at which they first appear on the agenda.  However, the vote shall be taken at the next regular meeting.  An affirmative vote of a majority of the Senate membership shall be required for adoption of the amendment.


Adopted amendments shall be reported by the University President to the Board of Governors as provided in the Official Proceedings of the Board of Governors, June 16, 1966.


Academic Senate